With Mother’s Day approaching fast we have started to paint pictures of our Mummies. We have been thinking about facial features including the colouring of hair, eyes and skin. In ICT we have used a paint programme to design our own wrapping paper. We have been focussing on telling the time this week in Maths,…
Reception had a fantastic trip to Bocketts Farm this week. We learned how to milk a goat, feed the animals with our palms flat and even had the opportunity to stroke a cockerel, rabbit and guinea pig. The tractor ride was very bumpy and the lunch was delicious!
Reception had great fun making and flipping pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. The children were fascinated that we had a gas hot plate in the classroom and wanted how the oil made the pan non-stick. They chose lemon and sugar and chocolate buttons as fillings and rolled their own pancakes … yummy! We started our introduction…
We have been extremely busy over the past couple of weeks studying transport on or under the water and through the air. We celebrated Chinese New Year and really enjoyed making lanterns, hats and dragon masks. We used our chopsticks to move red and gold coloured noodles into bowls to help improve our motor skills…
This week we have enjoyed learning about transport by rail: our favourite activity was using Duplo to make our own train paintings. We were all given a picture of a form of transport which we had to label and then write a sentence about. Some of us had cars, others had bicycles and the rest…
In Art we used our wellington boots to make prints in paint and glitter. Can you spot the path we took in our corridor? In Maths, we started to learn about one more and one less. We were lucky to use Fruit Frenzy on our interactive white boards and it was very noisy fun! In…
Welcome back to all Reception children. There has been a constant chorus of chatter filled with excitement since we came back. The children have shared fantastic stories about their wonderful Christmas holiday and Santa seems to have spoiled everyone thoroughly this year! We have written our first holiday news this week and we all tried…