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Category: Year 7

Circle Theorems

29th June 2020

Year 7 have been looking at Circle Theorems this week – which is Year 11 work! And they have produced some great posters… well done Year 7!

World War 1

20th March 2020

Year 7 have been looking at the work of World War I poet, Wilfred Owen. After designing their own propaganda posters, we read Owen’s work, ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ and compared the two images of war. We discovered that the true image was much more petrifying than the propaganda led people to believe. We then…

13th March 2020

We live in a democratic society, which means that we all have a say in how the country is run. Our Parliament is made up of the House of Commons and the House of Lords and these two Houses have the important jobs of challenging the work of the government, debating and shaping new laws,…

Year 7

28th February 2020

In History, Year 7 were learning all about the Queen of Scots. Mary, the only surviving legitimate child of King James V of Scotland, was six days old when her father died and she acceded to the throne.


7th February 2020

A busy week in the Prep Music Department.  On Tuesday, the Senior Choir went to the O2 and sang in a choir of 8000 children alongside Tony Hadley (Spandeau Ballet).  An experience they won’t forget for a long time.  Last night, the Senior children performed in their concert.  It was an amazing concert showcasing some…

Trip to Hurst!

7th February 2020

Selected students from Y7 and Y8 went to Hurst this week to watch an excellent performance of Les Miserables by the senior production team at Hurst. One of our own past pupils, Natalie Harrison, performed excellently in a lead role of Fantine! We were also able to inspect the stage set after the show. All in all,…

Year 7 Science

4th February 2020

Year 7 have been investigating Hooke’s law in science, involving very tricky experiments with balancing, measurements, and maths.