Year 2 have continued learning about shapes. They built 3D shapes and used Carroll and Venn diagrams to investigate their properties. They have also been busy making Mother’s Day gifts and -in between everything else! – been honing their acting skills, performing scenes from the Great Fire of London.
Year 2 have been busy Elves this week. In Maths, they have been focusing on money – adding amounts, finding the difference and giving change. The children were very excited because they used ‘publisher’ to create their own wrapping paper to wrap presents for their parents… a little Christmas treat is coming your way! They…
Year 2 have been busy making their masks for their Masked Ball and using computers to create invitations for next week’s big event! They have also been sharing their personal celebrations with their classmates. Some children chose to talk about Hallowe’en, their christening, Diwali, Christmas and many more. We were so impressed with the thoughtful questions that the children asked.
Mrs Potgieter’s RWI group wrote their own storybooks called “My friend the Bully”. They enjoyed reading them to their friends! For their celebration topic the children have been focusing on Diwali. They either made coconut ice or acted the story of Rama and Sita, with chalk made rangoli patterns. Today was Children in Need and…
Over half term our pupils were set a Sumdog competition. The person who answered the most questions correctly achieved the highest score. We were impressed with how hard the children worked, how much fun they had and how their maths skills are improving as a result of their efforts.
Phoebe and Willow created effective mixed-media pictures of the Houses of Parliament on 5th November.
In Forest School Year 2 made frames and used them to identify different bugs in the ground. In Art they have been painting still life pictures. We carefully painted fruit bowls and created fruit portraits in the style of Arcimboldo. Year 2 have also been learning about food from all around the world. As they…
Year 2 had an exciting week as the mystery and suspense about the evil peas continued! The children learnt about the continents by playing Twister. In Geography the children were split into small groups and taught the rest of the class about a different country in the British Isles! We also learnt about Scotland and…
Year 2 have had a busy week getting familiar with their new maths resources as they are following a new scheme. They have also been learning about food and what is healthy and unhealthy. Their task was to sort the different kinds of food … but of course some overlap! Willow was the first to…
During the lockdown, Jack F made a bench out of recycled material as part of his Ecoproject which he submitted to Blue Peter. He used the oak which originated from Copthorne as it was from one of the trees his father removed for the Astroturf… he then filled empty plastic bottles with clean non recyclable…