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Additional support

All children are entitled to an education that enables them to achieve the best possible outcomes, to become confident young children with a growing ability to communicate their own views – ready to make the transition further into their education. Learning support is available to everyone at Copthorne Prep if their learning requirements differ from most children of the same age. This can also include children working at a greater depth or those who are neurodivergent. Most children who access learning support at Copthorne Prep are classed as SEND which means they have a learning difference and/or a disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.

We ensure that our admissions, discipline and other procedures (e.g. arrangements for school trips or examinations) take account of pupils’ needs. We are a neurodiverse school and encourage flexibility and adaptability to deliver the most appropriate and beneficial support to each child.

Learning support can come in many forms both in and out of the classroom by a range of trained professionals: the details of which can be found here. Many children will only need a small amount of support and will be classed as school support (SS) while others may require further support due to their diagnosis (SS+). Parents and all staff are always involved in the learning plans and target setting for children to ensure that a cohesive and consistent approach is used.

Autumn Term Open Events

See Copthorne Prep in action at one of our Open Events in the Autumn Term. Book your space now to experience our school, tour the beautiful grounds and facilities, chat to staff and meet our Senior Leadership team.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Saturday 28th September, 10am (Welly Walk 1 – 5 yrs old 9am)
Friday 18th October, 9.15am
Monday 18th November, 9.15am