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Home from home

Copthorne Prep has extended hospitality to boarders on a formal and informal basis since its inception in 1902. For many, boarding is an integral part of school life, whilst for others, it is an opportunity to spend a night away from home in the company of friends, in an environment that is welcoming, familiar and secure. Boarding really defines who we are, and is the embodiment of that in which we excel – pastoral care.

Boarding at Copthorne Prep seeks to provide a home from home for your son or daughter, creating a warm, welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Children can relax and enjoy being with friends in a safe environment, as well as having supervised time to do homework, extend their learning on collaborative projects or practise their musical instruments. The evening activities are fun and vary from week to week.

Parents leave their children in our care, confident that they will be looked after well and that the resident staff will protect their interests and welfare. Boarding is run on the principle that it should be as much like a child’s home as possible, where good sense, good humour and mutual support abound.

Culture of caring

When choosing a school, you will of course want to ensure it will suit your child, especially in their formative years. It is important therefore that our ethos and our approach to pastoral care match your expectations of what a modern prep school should be delivering.

It is our belief that, with the right support, happy children will achieve everything they are capable of achieving. Our teachers are here to help your child develop their talents to the best of their abilities.

All staff are completely focussed on getting to know the children in our care, and you, their parents. Pastoral care issues are managed by your child’s tutor, who liaises daily with boarding staff. The tutor undertakes the twice daily registration, as well as ensuring that the day-to-day routine is adhered to and that children are organised and ready for the school day.

At Copthorne we pride ourselves on the level of pastoral care we offer and the fulfilment of our mantra ‘every child counts’. Our staff genuinely go the extra mile for pupils and parents to ensure that we have children who feel valued, respected and above all happy.

“The arrangements for boarders’ welfare and safeguarding are excellent.”


Autumn Term Open Events

See Copthorne Prep in action at one of our Open Events in the Autumn Term. Book your space now to experience our school, tour the beautiful grounds and facilities, chat to staff and meet our Senior Leadership team.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Saturday 28th September, 10am (Welly Walk 1 – 5 yrs old 9am)
Friday 18th October, 9.15am
Monday 18th November, 9.15am