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Posted: 10th January 2020

Nursery Acorns and Pippins class have all settled back into school beautifully. We are pleased to welcome Suraya, Lola and Ebba to our happy classes and look forward to welcoming some others in the coming weeks.

This week in Forest Fun we made some really beautiful pictures using sticks and spray paint which looked good enough to display in an art gallery! The children in both Oaks classes have come back to school full of enthusiasm for the Spring term. They were all excited to see their friends and talk about how they spent their Christmas holidays. This term we will be looking and learning all about ‘People Who Help Us’.

We started off with ‘People Who Help Us Around The School’ and had our first visitor … Pixel the Copthorne Prep reading dog. The children sat really quietly and listened to how Pixel helps us. They learnt that Pixel  gives  hugs if you are feeling ill or sad and she is a great listener especially to stories that the older children read to her.They were also delighted to hear her sing as well! She was so well behaved and loves receiving treats. The classes also took a walk around the school to see the different jobs all the staff do. A visit to Mr. Jones’ office was the highlight although visiting Karen and her team in the kitchen was a close second! Next week we will be learning about ‘People Who Help Us At Home’ and we would welcome photos of how the children help you around the home for our display boards.

Categories: Nursery
Autumn Term Open Events

See Copthorne Prep in action at one of our Open Events in the Autumn Term. Book your space now to experience our school, tour the beautiful grounds and facilities, chat to staff and meet our Senior Leadership team.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Saturday 28th September, 10am (Welly Walk 1 – 5 yrs old 9am)
Friday 18th October, 9.15am
Monday 18th November, 9.15am