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Harry Potter Game!

Posted: 11th June 2020

Rules of the game

  1. Each Player picks a counter.
  2. Each player receives 2 Spell breaker cards.
  3. Move clockwise around the board by rolling the dice – youngest goes first!
  4. If you land on a yellow ‘Good Spell ‘square go forward by the number of spaces on the square.
  5. If you land on a red ‘Bad Spell ‘ square go back by the number of spaces on the square.
  6. Each player has to enter a feature zone area no matter what number is rolled on their turn on the dice.
  7. In each zone every player has to answer a question about the area they are in. If you answer your question correctly you can leave the zone on your next turn by rolling the dice and moving your counter, however, if you get the question wrong you must miss a turn and remain in the zone until it is your turn again.
  8. Using your ‘Spell Breaker’ cards you can decide to use one if you get a question wrong or if you fall into Voldemort’s Spell Trap or Malfoy’s Trick Trap or Professor Snape’s Diversion Spell – but remember you only have 2 Spell Breaker cards so be wary! You can only fall into each of the traps once so ignore the trap square instructions if you have to go through them again.
  9. Progress to the final zone – The Secret Chamber of the Philosopher’s Stone! To enter the chamber and win the game you need to roll the correct number on your dice with the last space being the chamber – first to enter wins!

Have fun, no cheating and have a wizardly good time!!


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