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Use of face masks by parents

Posted: 17th September 2020

Given the increased numbers testing positive for Covid and the additional restrictions on social gatherings the Government have announced this week, I now think it is prudent for the school to enforce a “face masks for all parents” policy, if they exit their cars for any reason, at drop off or collection.  We have a number of vulnerable parents and grandparents within the Copthorne Community and we all have a duty of care to protect everyone.   Please ensure that from Monday, you do now wear a mask if you exit your vehicle; that you maintain social distancing between each other and my staff; that you demonstrate high levels of personal hygiene (coughing/sneezing into a tissue or your elbow); and that you do not loiter on the school site any longer than absolutely necessary. As the car parks are always busy, we hope to encourage parents to “drop and go” in the mornings, and “grab and go” in the evenings, to keep the cars flowing and free up spaces for others. Whilst the Asphalt car park fills frequently around 4.30pm and again at 5.15pm, there is always space by the mound for parents to park, and walk (wearing a mask) to collect children. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Categories: Latest News
Autumn Term Open Events

See Copthorne Prep in action at one of our Open Events in the Autumn Term. Book your space now to experience our school, tour the beautiful grounds and facilities, chat to staff and meet our Senior Leadership team.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Saturday 28th September, 10am (Welly Walk 1 – 5 yrs old 9am)
Friday 18th October, 9.15am
Monday 18th November, 9.15am