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Month: October 2020

Christmas Cards

19th October 2020

Just a reminder that the Christmas cards art work need to be returned on Tuesday (3 Nov) after half term

School Shop

19th October 2020

Any orders received from 1pm Thursday 15th October to 1pm Wednesday 28th October will be ready for collection between 9am -12noon on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th October from the school office. Any orders not collected will be handed to your child on Monday 2 November. Just a reminder you can access the school shop…

Tempest Photos

19th October 2020

Please order your tempest photos by Sunday, 18 October. You will be offered free delivery to our school address, however it is possible to order after that time but you will incur a small charge. All payments should be made to Tempest directly via the online ordering system.

Jungle Theme

19th October 2020

The Reception children dressed up today to go with their jungle topic for end the term! Thank you Karen for the jungle themed lunch!

Year 2

19th October 2020

In Forest School Year 2 made frames and used them to identify different bugs in the ground. In Art they have been painting still life pictures. We carefully painted fruit bowls and created fruit portraits in the style of Arcimboldo. Year 2 have also been learning about food from all around the world. As they…

Year 1

19th October 2020

This half term we have been exploring place value in all its glory in Maths and this week has been no exception. We have continued to develop our understanding of the greater than, less than and equals to symbols both practically and on paper. The teachers have been really impressed by the children’s use of…


19th October 2020

This week Reception have been working in small groups to complete jungle animal puzzles. We have been looking at numbers 4 and 5, hunting for the correct amount of objects and have been working on recognising the amount of spots on a dice by playing board games. We also painted our hands and turned them…


19th October 2020

Oaks class have been toasting marshmallows in the mud kitchen this week! They have also been making a splendid bug hotel in the mud kitchen area. To do this they collected leaves and twigs to place in between large logs and can’t wait to see all the different bugs visiting the hotel! The theme for…

Year 8

19th October 2020

Year 8 had free rein to build anything they wanted out of wood this term in DT. They had to research how to build their items, draw out a detailed plan and get to work. Ella is making a sweet dispenser and Felix is making a holder for his Xbox consoles!

Year 7

19th October 2020

Year 7 have been testing food in Science to see if it contains sugar or starch. They were surprised that onions contain sugar! In Art they have been taking forced perspective photographs, manipulating human visual perception through the use of scaled objects… in this case, making themselves into giants!