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Year 1

Posted: 21st December 2020

Year 1 are really into the Christmas spirit as the end of term is fast approaching. We started this week by recording the musical numbers from our end of term production and then Wednesday was spent performing our speaking roles, and then re-recording them on Friday due to a technical hitch!! The children looked wonderful in their costumes and there were some sparkling performances fit for a West End stage. We can’t wait to share the ‘Children of the World’ production with you next week!

In Literacy we wrote instructions on how to make a Christingle, thinking about when we made our own last week and the order of each step. We were impressed to see that some children remembered how to use time connectives in their writing too.

In Maths we are now working with numbers up to 20 and are using the knowledge of identifying one more and one less to answer problem solving questions such as: My cousin is one year older than me. I am one year older than my best friend who is 14. How old am I? How old is my cousin? These sort of questions really get us to think laterally and can sometimes even cause the teachers to scratch their heads a bit whilst they work out the answers too! We also used base 10 to practically work out how many tens and ones there are in each number.

It was sadly our final Forest School session with Mr Lloyd as he moves onto a career in tree surgery. The children from both classes joined together for some fun in the woods and to spend the afternoon with Mr Lloyd and wish him well in the future.

Categories: Latest News Year 1