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Year: 2020

Year 6

30th November 2020

In History, Year 6 have been learning about Pakal the Great who was only twelve years old when he became ruler of Palenque. He ruled the city state for nearly 70 years. Pakal was given a spectacular burial when he died, his funeral mask was made entirely from jade! Here are their designs! In DT,…

Year 5

30th November 2020

Year 5 have been putting their architectural skills into practice in DT by making houses out of sticks and paper. They had to carefully draw their designs first, then bring them to life! This is the last week making houses… their next challenge is to make Christmas decorations… the countdown is on!

Year 4 Charlotte’s Web

30th November 2020

In English this week, Year 4 finished reading Charlotte’s Web. They were sad to learn that Charlotte the spider passed away, so they wrote letters to thank her for saving Wilbur’s life and teaching them some valuable lessons! They also made their own ‘Wilbur’ and ‘Charlotte’ out of loo roll! In Geography, the Year 4’s…

Year 3 Maths

30th November 2020

This week in Maths Year 3 have been using measure to help them multiply and divide by 10 and 100. Some practical maths to bring it to life!

Football Shirt Friday

30th November 2020

Students and staff alike got into the spirit of #footballshirtfriday last week. Thank you to everyone who joined in to help #kickcancer! If you would still like to donate, please click here.

Blue Peter Badges

30th November 2020

Michael (5HH) and Matthias (3HJ) have both received their Blue Peter Music badges, designed by the one and only Ed Sheeran! And congratulations to Avyanna who has scooped 6 Blue Peter badges: Sports, Music, Blue (appreciation of others), Fan Club, Silver (writing about a new activity) Green (ecologically aware)!

Boarding Fun

30th November 2020

The boarders had a fantastic weekend making delicious cakes and eating yummy pizza – future Bake Off Champions?

The Renewed Hope Charity (Redhill) & Crawley Open House

30th November 2020

Please can all children bring food, Christmas items (crackers, tinsel) so that we can give to the people not as lucky as we are. What is a reverse calendar? Instead of taking something out of a calendar and giving a chocolate to yourself, we should give homeless people something to look forward to each day….

Message from the Head

30th November 2020

Dear Parents, Having spoken to many Year 6 parents this week, both Mr Close and I are encouraged by the positive response we are hearing about Copthorne to 16 (GCSE). We are working hard behind the scenes to provide more details of our exciting 16+ offer, in terms of strategic building plans and GCSE options….

Dancing Queens

16th November 2020

Zara and Layney took their Grade 1 Modern Exam and they both achieved a Merit! They have both been dancing at Roshe in Felbridge since they were 2… Well done Zara and Layney!