Following on from our theme of plants and growing things, we have listened to and written the story of the Enormous Turnip. We are now starting to check our work for capital letters and full stops too. We have been looking for signs of spring and noticing the flowers and trees around our school. We…
This week we have been working on doubling numbers and noticing the patterns that the answers make – such as two odd numbers make an even number. We have also begun to work out answers to near doubles ( ‘next door neighbour’ numbers) using cubes and numberlines to help us.We have written stories in the…
This week in Maths Year 1 were using 2p, 5p, and 10p to help them with their multiplication tables.
Thank you for supporting the children in the making of their ‘Shape hats’ – they did look a treat in them and the children were able to explain how they made them and which shapes they used. We had a little dance in them and paraded around the assembly hall for us all to see….
Year 1 went ‘fishing’ for metal ‘fish!’ using magnets in the woods on the end of a fishing rod created by the children.
Thank you for sending in your old household objects this week. The children have listened attentively as we have learnt about the uses of these and what materials they were made from. Hopefully the children can let you know many facts that they have learnt from our visit to the Priest House in West Hoathly.
Chinese New Year starts this weekend, so we read a story which told us about the Chinese calendar and now know that it is the Year of the Rat. We had a look at our dates of birth and found out that most of us were born in the year of the snake or the…
We have continued with our topic theme of houses and homes this week. We have looked at Mr Jones’ house from the outside and tried to sketch the windows, door, garage, roof and chimney. We have been listening to all the variations of the three little pigs story and tried very hard to re write…
The children have returned to school very happy and they were very pleased to see their friends. We have been talking about our New Year’s resolutions, many of which have included helping around the house, recycling more, tidying up and helping with the washing up. We look forward to hearing if the children have kept…