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Category: Year 5

A sporting week

6th February 2023

Sport in the sunshine for a change! Well, Wednesday at least… The sporting programme was back to its busy best this week, with a more spring like feel to the weather. The girls had a varied week, with netball tournaments and festivals and multiple opponents. The senior girls travelled to Hazelwood for their tournament, with…

Stars in the making

6th February 2023

Years  5 and 6 musicians entertained a large audience of parents and grandparents with superb performances from all the children, ranging from Bizet to Blake to Bernstein with a little bit of Alicia Keys on the side! A huge well done to all the performers.


27th January 2023

Our chess team excels again! Playing against Ardingly and Brambletye in a primary jamboree, we won all twelve points. Supported by our chess scholar and head girl, Amelie, the children played some excellent chess! Well done to our chess players!

Year 8

15th March 2021

In Science, Year 8 were practising their gas tests this week. They revised testing for oxygen using a glowing splint, carbon dioxide using limewater, hydrogen using the squeaky pop test, and two ways of testing for water vapour using Cobalt chloride paper and also anhydrous copper sulfate. Spanish, they presented the weather forecast and in…

Year 5

15th March 2021

In History, Year 5 have been showing Mrs Litchfield everything they have remembered from their lessons during the lockdown. They have learnt a lot! Well done all! Year 5 have also been practising their speaking skills with their topic of ‘school subjects’ in French.

Our gratitude tree

15th March 2021

The Prep school have been writing what they are grateful for and placing them on the tree

Year 5

21st December 2020

This week the Year 5 students created their own – highly emotional – skits in response to one of Hans Zimmer’s brilliant cinematic pieces in Drama. In History, Year 5 have been looking at famous figures from the past. We researched Grace Darling and wrote letters of thanks to her, imagining she rescued one of…

Year 5

30th November 2020

Year 5 have been putting their architectural skills into practice in DT by making houses out of sticks and paper. They had to carefully draw their designs first, then bring them to life! This is the last week making houses… their next challenge is to make Christmas decorations… the countdown is on!

Year 5 Art

16th November 2020

Year 5 have been was drawing in the style of Patrick Caulfield, an English painter and printmaker known for his bold canvases. Although they have just started, they are making great progress and we can’t wait to see the final designs!

Year 5

19th October 2020

Year 5 continued their improvisation topic in Drama this week! This time we had stories about destructive hot dogs, friendly zombies, Spongebob and Darth Vader. Improv allows you to become more positive, become a team player and makes you more creative!

Autumn Term Open Events

See Copthorne Prep in action at one of our Open Events in the Autumn Term. Book your space now to experience our school, tour the beautiful grounds and facilities, chat to staff and meet our Senior Leadership team.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Saturday 28th September, 10am (Welly Walk 1 – 5 yrs old 9am)
Friday 18th October, 9.15am
Monday 18th November, 9.15am