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Category: Year 6

A sporting week

6th February 2023

Sport in the sunshine for a change! Well, Wednesday at least… The sporting programme was back to its busy best this week, with a more spring like feel to the weather. The girls had a varied week, with netball tournaments and festivals and multiple opponents. The senior girls travelled to Hazelwood for their tournament, with…

Stars in the making

6th February 2023

Years  5 and 6 musicians entertained a large audience of parents and grandparents with superb performances from all the children, ranging from Bizet to Blake to Bernstein with a little bit of Alicia Keys on the side! A huge well done to all the performers.


27th January 2023

Our chess team excels again! Playing against Ardingly and Brambletye in a primary jamboree, we won all twelve points. Supported by our chess scholar and head girl, Amelie, the children played some excellent chess! Well done to our chess players!

Year 6

15th March 2021

Year 6 has started a new topic in D.T. making door signs. They are going to be challenged to make their names using a piece of wood. Here is Mr Bullock, explaining that they need to be able to connect each letter! In History, they were learning about farming during the Shang Dynasty. They learnt…

Our gratitude tree

15th March 2021

The Prep school have been writing what they are grateful for and placing them on the tree

Year 6

21st December 2020

In Art, Year 6 have been doing some festive craft and made their own elves… each full of individual character! In Geography, they have been learning about maps. Their task was to draw a sketch map of the school. They also used six-figure grid references to locate clues hidden around the school in order to…

Year 6

30th November 2020

In History, Year 6 have been learning about Pakal the Great who was only twelve years old when he became ruler of Palenque. He ruled the city state for nearly 70 years. Pakal was given a spectacular burial when he died, his funeral mask was made entirely from jade! Here are their designs! In DT,…

Year 6 Art

16th November 2020

Year 6 have been creating their own digital landscapes on the iPads using an app called Sketchbook. They had taken their own photos of landscapes and were challenged to draw them onto the app by layering the colours on top of each other.

Year 6

19th October 2020

Year 6 are reading the novel ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’. Using evidence from the text, we drew maps of Weirwold, then wrote descriptive pieces, imagining we were walking through our maps. In our descriptions we made use of powerful adjectives, embedded clauses, similes, metaphors and prepositions to add interest for our readers. Year 6 went on…

Year 6

5th October 2020

Year 6 have started to draw landscapes in Art this week. They had to choose an image from their textbooks and try and replicate them as best they could. They were able to use oil pastels, water colours, coloured pencils to draw… We can’t wait to see the end result!