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Welcoming our new Director of Teaching & Learning

I have always been passionate about Teaching and Learning, and to have an opportunity to give vision and leadership to this essential aspect of school life is, for me, a real privilege.

My role, at this exciting time in the strategic development of Copthorne, is to give direction to the advancement of best practice in pedagogy and to ensure that we continue to place learning at the heart of all planning. The focus of our teaching will be about engaging with all our pupils so that gradually, methodically and systematically they can develop skills, habits of mind, values, interests and dispositions to enable them to become their own organiser and manager of learning.

At Copthorne, we are striving to secure the highest possible outcomes for every child in terms of both their academic success and personal development. As such, I will be overseeing the introduction of a new assessment framework this year which will enable us to monitor and track the progress of each individual child throughout the school, and to tailor our teaching according to their individual need.

Along with teaching history, I am also very much looking forward to getting into classrooms in order to give guidance and support to our hard-working team of teachers and to the children themselves. I strongly believe that learning should be our guide for a true educational north, and to drive and inspire a passion for learning in every member of the school community is at the heart of my vision for the school.

Nathan Close

Deputy Head
Director of Teaching & Learning


Year 7, having studied the King John and Magna Carter, prepared to meet King Jones.


Autumn Term Open Events

See Copthorne Prep in action at one of our Open Events in the Autumn Term. Book your space now to experience our school, tour the beautiful grounds and facilities, chat to staff and meet our Senior Leadership team.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Saturday 28th September, 10am (Welly Walk 1 – 5 yrs old)
Friday 18th October, 9.15am
Monday 18th November, 9.15am