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Year 2

Posted: 10th January 2020

Year 2 The children were intrigued  when they returned to school and their classrooms looked like they had been frozen with icicles and even some snow flakes. A lost, lonely penguin was found by each class so we wrote a ‘Found’ poster describing where we thought the penguin lived. They have been captivated by our new topic, ‘Icy Cold’ and have started research on penguins during ITC lessons, enjoying our new computers. We have also learnt more on features of polar regions, increasing our geographical vocabulary. The mixed collage pictures of penguins they have created are charming. During Maths we have focused on using straggles to add and subtract 9 and 11, and also using our new department iPads to do some Maths extension work.

2OS started their new topic with an exciting Science lesson. We conducted a test by placing ice cubes in six locations around the school to see which would melt first, to ensure it was a fair test all the ice cubes were the same size. In the classroom we set up another experiment with three ice-cubes putting sugar on one, salt on one and pepper on another, one of the locations for the six ice cubes was in our classroom so that acted as the ‘control’.  We then looked to see which ice cube melted the quickest. We also had ice balloons, we poured salt over the top and listened to the ice ‘crackle’ as the salt ate into the surface and caused fissures to run through the ice. We then poured food colouring in so that we could see where the fissures were and watch the colouring run through!

Categories: Year 2
Autumn Term Open Events

See Copthorne Prep in action at one of our Open Events in the Autumn Term. Book your space now to experience our school, tour the beautiful grounds and facilities, chat to staff and meet our Senior Leadership team.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Saturday 28th September, 10am (Welly Walk 1 – 5 yrs old 9am)
Friday 18th October, 9.15am
Monday 18th November, 9.15am