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Author: ckinnear1

Another successful term of chess

18th March 2022

Copthorne Prep Chess Club With the worst of the winter weather behind us, the preliminary phase of EPSCA inter-county competition got underway on Saturday 5 February with the Sussex U9 team playing against some of the top counties in an event held at Orleans Park School in Twickenham.  Our opponents included title favourites Richmond who…

What a wonderful world

8th March 2022

This week has marked another World Book Week, with Thursday not just being World Book Day, but also World Wildlife Day. With this in mind, years 3 – 8 looked at the book Here We Are (Notes to living on planet Earth) by Oliver Jefferies. We discussed the main issues and themes within the book…

What is reading?

1st March 2022

Reading is very much multi-layered. On the surface, when listening to children read, we hear their ability to decode the words in front of them. However, just like an iceberg, there is so much more hidden underneath… and it was with this in mind that we adopted the Accelerated Reader Scheme to assess the progress…

Year 1

15th March 2021

At Forest School, Year 1 learnt about fire safety, played in the mud kitchen and celebrated Ore’sbirthday! The children have really enjoyed their Maths investigations into weight this week and have worked beautifully in teams to develop their understanding of which objects are heavier, which are lighter and which weigh the same. The children began…

Year 2

15th March 2021

Year 2 have continued learning about shapes. They built 3D shapes and used Carroll and Venn diagrams to investigate their properties. They have also been busy making Mother’s Day gifts and -in between everything else! – been honing their acting skills, performing scenes from the Great Fire of London.

Year 8

15th March 2021

In Science, Year 8 were practising their gas tests this week. They revised testing for oxygen using a glowing splint, carbon dioxide using limewater, hydrogen using the squeaky pop test, and two ways of testing for water vapour using Cobalt chloride paper and also anhydrous copper sulfate. Spanish, they presented the weather forecast and in…

Year 7

15th March 2021

It’s great to be back this week! Our Year 7’s showed that they have kept up their fitness during lockdown with an impressive showing in an interval relay in PE. Teams of 5 clocked up an impressive 9km in 30 minutes!

Year 6

15th March 2021

Year 6 has started a new topic in D.T. making door signs. They are going to be challenged to make their names using a piece of wood. Here is Mr Bullock, explaining that they need to be able to connect each letter! In History, they were learning about farming during the Shang Dynasty. They learnt…

Year 5

15th March 2021

In History, Year 5 have been showing Mrs Litchfield everything they have remembered from their lessons during the lockdown. They have learnt a lot! Well done all! Year 5 have also been practising their speaking skills with their topic of ‘school subjects’ in French.

Year 4

15th March 2021

In History, the children went on a fact hunt to find out about the Anglo-Saxon conversion to Christianity! After reading the parable of the lost son in R.S. this week, the children made their own compassion promises. In Art, they have started making some beautiful designs with clay! Here are a few of their designs…